Customer Relationship Management

Own a CRM tailor-made for your business

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Trusted by over 11,000+ businesses of all sizes

Your best CRM

Build relationships that drive growth

Your prospects and customers are not just yours, they are the targets of someone else’s too. Acquire, engage, and retain your target market with a CRM tailor made for your business.

Centralized customer data
Capture comprehensive information related to each customer in a central & shared database. Access relevant information instantly, improve communication between departments & with the customers.
Assist & manage your sales team
Equip your sales team with a great tool to streamline their daily schedule and tasks. As managers, monitor and analyze sales performance using customizable dashboards and reports.
Treat your customers special
Record, track, and assess the journey of each prospect and customer through the sales funnel. Personalize your customer service based on customer interaction history.
Boost revenue
Identify opportunities & forecast sales. Connect with your customers more often, manage contracts effectively, and deliver superior services to build long-term & profitable relationships.


Integrate your marketing, sales, and customer service teams to foster relationships that create an impact on your business.
360° View of Prospects & Customers
Detail Tracking of Campaigns
Automate Schedules and Sales & Marketing Tasks
Highly Customizable Data Entry Screens
Efficient Sales Forecasting Analysis
Service Contract Management
Real-time Analysis of Individual Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Contracts & Cases
Why PACT RevenU?
Available On-Premise
Available on Cloud
Third-party Integrations
Remotely Accessible
Seamless Migrations
Local Support
Highly Scalable
Powerful Customizations

PACT is everywhere

We offer solutions across multiple devices. Manage your business anytime, anywhere.
Desktop / PC
Desktop / PC
Own an ERP completely customized to meet your specific business requirements.
Browser / Web
Browser / Web
Gain the flexibility to do your business from absolutely anywhere in the world, anytime!
Mobile / Tab / iPad
Mobile / Tab / iPad
Get up-to-the-minute information at your fingertip, improve service quality.
Unify data across different systems with successful third party application integrations.
Top Rated ERP

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It’s exciting to see how our ERP transforms businesses. Get started with your business process automation today with PACT!